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    食糖銷售 :0633-3602298
    豆油豆粕 :0633-7966169
    時間 :2016/5/25 16:27:33   文章來源 :新利18糖業集團

        日照市新利18編織袋有限公司於2003年注冊成立 ,位於日照市上海路629號糖廠院內 ,主要生產食品級吹塑內膜袋及編織袋 ,是新利18糖廠 、新利18120萬噸/年精煉糖廠和大豆加工廠的配套項目 。可實現年產編織袋9240萬條 ,年產噸塑編集裝袋20萬條 ,年產吹塑薄膜袋9300萬條 。

        在滿足新利18糖業集團內部糖廠 、大豆加工廠編織袋使用的同時 ,可為日照市內外的編織袋企業提供服務 。

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    Introduction to Rizhao Lingyunhai Woven Bags Co., Ltd

        Registrated in 2003, Rizhao Lingyunhai Woven Sacks Co., Ltd is located the sugar factory yard NO.629, Shanghai Road. As the supporting project of Lingyunhai Sugar Factory, refined sugar factory with a capacity of 1.2 million tons per year and Soybean Processing Factory, the company mainly produces plastic bags for food use and woven bags. Consequently, the year production capacity can reach 92.4 million pieces of woven bags, 200 thousand pieces plastic woven flexible freight bags and 93 million pieces of plastic bags.

        Rizhao Lingyunhai Woven Sacks Co., Ltd not only meets the demand of woven bags in the Sugar Factory and Soybean Processing Factory, Linyunhai Sugar Group Co. Ltd. affiliated companies, but also provides services for woven bags enterprises in and out of Rizhao.

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    集團地址 :日照經濟技術開發區秦皇島路59號淩海大酒店    全國服務熱線 :0633-3602298

    集團銷售部電話 :0633-3602298    集團銷售部辦公地址 :日照經濟技術開發區秦皇島路59號淩海大酒店裙樓

    @魯ICP備16002510號    新利18糖業集團 ©版權所有 違者必究